"Lanka Houses" is coming back
0% commission OTA
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Getting closer with travelers!
Travelers go to an OTA for greater choice. But we, hoteliers, could give even better deals if we had the chance! Until now, we couldn't because we have to pay up 20% comissions to them.

Lanka Houses makes "cutting out the middle man" possible. Lanka-houses don't charge a commission and the ONLY thing WE have to do is give guests a great deal.

Lanka Houses empower hotels and helps to create a perfect vacation!
Our advantages
0% commission on bookings
Payment Collect
We clearly understand that collecting advance payments might be a hassle especially for a small and mid.size properties. That's why we provide you with payment-service to charge your guests according to your reservation policies.
Flexible payment policy
Unlike the other famous OTA we are not forcing you to obey our payment policy, but gives you full flexibility with your own rules. You can collect non-refundable advance and get paid within a week even if the guests are coming next year.
Fair Discounts
As we are not charging any commission, we are able to provide discounts up to 18% and offer the best rates for the guests which has a positive effect on your business reputation.
OTA auto-sync
We automatically sync your rates and availability with the most popular OTA like Airbnb, Booking, Expedia. You don't have to worry about overbookings or price parity anymore, we will do it for you
Google Maps Friendly
Since 2019 Google started the expansion into vacation rentals market. We will go through the Google verification for your property to increase your visibility and get more bookings straight from the Google Maps.
Direct Contacts
We treat all owners as our business partners, rather than using them. Unlike other OTA, we allow your future guests to share their emails and phones with you. Guests have rights to book directly with you if they really wants to
It's very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better
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